ACCESS Seminar (January 2018)

ACCESS : SME Tax Matter Workshop

M&K partners presented at the ACCESS SME Tax Matters Workshop. Organized by ACCESS Employment, this seminar was designed to help small business owner to understand and fulfill their tax filing responsibilities. Topics started from a general overview of personal taxes to more specific topics in self-employed and corporation tax, taxable income, deductions, GST/HST, and various business practical consideration in areas of accounting and bookkeeping, pros and cons of incorporation and finally with tax tips which attendees would find useful in their actual practises.

如何在加拿大創業 – 免費講座

想開始自己的個人事業,但係又不了解加拿大的制度和稅務要求?這個講座將會非常適合您! 本講座將介紹在加拿大創業所需的基本知識。 無論您有一個極佳的商業構想,還是已經處於規劃階段,本次活動都能幫助您順利起步,在加拿大成功創業! 日期:2023年11月23日(星期四) 時間:下午 2:30 至 4:00 地點:King City Room - Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites, 600 Highway 7, Richmond [...]
